
Now super enzymes
Now super enzymes

These substances must be carried through the intestine without being absorbed. The liver also excretes processed toxins and fats through the bile. Nutrients are absorbed through the thin intestinal wall and transported via the bloodstream, to where they are needed. These juices mix with the partially digested food from the stomach and continue the digestive process. Near it's beginning, ducts from the liver and pancreas release digestive juices.

now super enzymes

The small intestine attaches to the stomach. Lying on the membrane are many friendly organisms, which help our body with the digestive process. The inner lining is filled with little fingers, or projection of the mucosa, which greatly increases its absorptive surface. It has its own immune tissue called GALT, or gut associated lymphoid tissue. It is essentially a tube with a thin mucosal lining and lots of blood vessels on the inside and muscles around the outside. The intestine is the main absorptive area of the digestive tract. Taking digestive enzyme during or after meals. Eating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating several small meals daily instead of three large meals. Lipases digest fat and are released in the stomach and intestines. It is found in intestinal and pancreatic juice. Proteases are responsible for breaking down protein. Amylase is found in saliva, pancreatic juice and intestinal juice. Amylase enzymes digest sugars, for example, like milk sugar is digested by lactase and cane sugar by sucrase.

now super enzymes

There are three main categories of digestive enzymes, amylase, protease and lipase. Digestive enzymes are responsible for breaking down food particles so that they can be absorbed in the intestinal tract and either used for energy or stored for later use. Without enzymes, reactions in the body would take place too slowly to maintain life. This means that they initiate and increase the rate of one or several body processes. Enzymes are catalysts of chemical reactions.

Now super enzymes